To settle debts with assets is an important means to make bad assets living, but the risk from non-performing loan will probably shift to mortgaged assets. 以资抵债是盘活不良贷款的重要手段,但不良贷款所产生的风险同时也可能随之转移到了抵债资产上。
Third, establishes the special bad assets recovery department to concentrate the cleaning up handling non-performing loan. 第三,成立专门的不良资产清收部门集中清理处置不良贷款。
Banks have been able to raise capital without having to sell bad assets through the LLP [ limited liability partnership], which reflects renewed investor confidence in our banking system, Sheila Bair, chairman of the FDIC, said last week. 银行能够在无须出售有毒资产的情况下通过LLP(有限责任合伙)形式筹集资金,这反映了投资者对我们银行体系的信心有所恢复,联邦存款保险公司主席希拉拜尔(SheilaBair)上周表示。
Even as the system shrinks and bad assets are removed, many institutions will still lack sufficient capital safely to extend fresh credit to the economy. 即使系统规模萎缩,不良资产被剥离,许多机构的资金将依然不足以安全发放新贷款。
Fourth, explores the bad assets positively the effective handling method and the method, enhances the bad assets recovery result. 第四,积极探索不良资产的有效处置方法和手段,提高不良资产清收成效。
After covering the losses embedded in the bad assets, the US economy is still over levered. 即便为不良资产的损失埋了单,美国经济的杠杆率仍然很高。
The funds could be used, for example, to provide bridge financing, guarantees or the temporary purchase of bad assets, a method used during the recent crisis. 例如,这些资金可用于提供过桥融资、担保,或在最近危机中采用过的临时购买不良资产等。
This will take time, more aggressive write downs of bad assets, and unfortunately probably more public capital. 这将需要时间,需要更积极的不良资产减记,以及不幸的是,可能还需要更多的公共资本。
But public opinion may not tolerate the idea of banks selling each other their bad assets. 但公众或许不会容忍银行向彼此出售不良资产的想法。
Prerequisite and method for state-owned commercial banks to peel off bad assets for the second time 国有商业银行不良资产第二次剥离的前提和方式
But it clears a crucial hurdle towards building a new bank system and starting the process of cleaning up bad assets in the failed banks. 但在冰岛重建银行体系和启动清理破产银行不良资产程序的过程中,它扫清了一个关键障碍。
In fact, the latest plan to cleanse the system of bad assets is appropriately nuanced. 实际上,旨在清理银行体系不良资产的最新计划在分寸上拿捏得当。
The third and perhaps most important requirement is fairness: no blank cheques and no overpayment for bad assets. 第三项要求也许最为重要,那就是公平性:没有数额任意的空白支票,也不溢价购入坏资产。
The problem of the bad assets is a knotty problem commonly encountered by the banking business of each country. 不良资产是各国银行业普遍都曾遭遇过的一个棘手问题。
The bad assets recovery department's responsibility jurisdiction must implement the independent inspection explicitly; 不良资产清收部门的职责权限必须明确实行独立考核;
The US Treasury initially designed the tarp to buy bad assets from the banks, but reversed itself and only made equity investments. 美国财政部起初设计的tarp计划是从银行购买不良资产,但后来自己改变了主意,只进行了股本投资。
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China was turned into a joint stock company, with its bad assets having been divested. 中国工商银行实施了股份制改造,剥离了不良资产。
This crisis is global: the bubbles and associated spending booms spread across much of the western world, as did the financial mania and purchases of bad assets. 而本轮危机是全球性的:泡沫及相应的消费繁荣蔓延到西方多数地区,金融狂热和购买不良资产风潮亦是如此。
Political Control, Fiscal Subsidy and Moral Hazard: A General Model of Bad Assets in State Banks 政治控制、财政补贴与道德风险:国有银行不良资产的理论模型
The banks have already covered a third of these bad assets with provisions. 该国银行现有拨备已经覆盖了三分之一的上述坏账。
The economy of China, we know that China has a lot of bad debt or bad debt or bad assets, the China Banking Regulatory Commission also has many loopholes. 中国的经济,我们知道中国有很多的坏帐或者呆帐或者不良资产,中国银行管理部门当中也有很多的漏洞。
That program would supplement the government's new authority to purchase bad assets from struggling banks and steps the Federal Reserve has taken to boost liquidity. 该计划将补充政府的新权力,购买不良资产从银行和挣扎的步骤美联储已经采取提高资金流动性。
Recognition is growing that bad assets must somehow be purged from banks'balance-sheets before they will freely make new loans. 越来越多的人认识到,那些坏资产必须通过某种方式从银行的资产平衡表中去除,那样银行才能自由的发放新贷。
If banks have fundamentally bad assets on their books, the FSF discusses forcing them to raise capital; restricting dividend and bonus payments; the authorities buying equity in banks; and encouraging mergers between troubled and healthy banks. 假如银行账目中存在基本面不佳的资产,金融稳定论坛的建议是:强迫他们提高资本金;限制股息和奖金的派发;由政府出面购买银行的股本;鼓励困境中的银行与健康银行合并。
But banks have demonstrated how flexible a distinction based on inference of motive can be: bad assets which can be held at book value are said to be intended to be held to maturity, while profits from good assets are marked to market. 但银行已经以行动证明,这种基于动机推断的区分可以有多么灵活据说银行会故意将不良资产(能够以账面价值持有)一直持有至到期,而优质资产的获利则以市价评估。
With US banks 'average net interest margin at a four-year high, some banks laden with bad assets last year benefited as cheaper funding helped to balance continuing high rates of provisions and credit costs. 鉴于美国各银行的平均净利差处于4年高位,一些拥有大量不良资产的银行去年受益匪浅,因为更廉价的资金帮助平衡了坏账拨备与信贷成本之间持续高企的比率。
Some experts, including the International Monetary Fund, worry that a failure to rid banks of bad assets could inhibit lending. 包括国际货币基金组织(imf)在内的一些专家担心,若不能剥离银行的不良资产,银行放贷可能会受到抑制。
How, then, to value banks 'bad assets? 那么,该怎样估价银行的坏资产呢?